The Nineteen Eighties...
Siren released "Iron Coffins" in January of 1985 with the lineup of Ed Aborn (Drums), Doug Lee (Vocals), Ed Hauser (Bass, Backing Vocals) and Rob Phillips (Guitar).
Siren - Facebook |
Savatage hailing from the Tampa Bay area released their second full length album, "Power of the Night", in 1985 with the same lineup from Sirens, pictured above from left to right Steve Wacholz aka "Doctor Hardware Killdrums" (Drums, Percussion),Jon Oliva (Lead Vocals), Criss Oliva (Guitars, Backing Vocals) and Kieth Kollins (Bass, Backing Vocals). |
The Lead from Miami, Florida released their Demo EP "The Lead" in 1985. The lineup was Robbie Christie (Drums), Nina Llopis (Vocals, and Bass), and Julio Ray (Vocals, and Guitars).
The Lead - Facebook |
The Lead
Nasty Savage self titled release lineup pictured above from left to right Curtis Beeson (Drums), "Nasty" Ronnie Galletti (Vocals), Ben Meyer (Guitars), Fred Dregischan (Bass) and David Austin (Guitars). |
Nasty Savage
Atomic Opera from Valrico, FL. released their Demo "Kamikaze Take Control" in 1985, the lineup was Hal Dunn (Guitars), Mike Martinez (Bass), Mike Furney (Drums), Todd Grubs (Guitars), and Ryan Dalton (Vocals).
Atomic Opera - Facebook |
Atomic Opera
Blackkout from St. Petersburg, FL. released their Demo "Black & Blue / Fallout" in 1985, the lineup was Richard W. Elliot IV (Vocals, and Guitar), Triad (Bass), Jeff Patton (Drums, and Keyboards), Gale P. Morse (Guitar, and Vocals), Brian Patton (Guitar, and Vocals).
Blackkout - Facebook |
Executioner formed in Brandon, Florida in 1984 they later released their "Metal Up Your Ass" demo in 1985. They would later change their name to Xecutioner and then later to Obituary. Executioner's lineup was John Tardy (Vocals), Jerry Tidwell (Guitar), Trevor Peres (Guitar), Jerome Grabel (Bass) and Donald Tardy (Drums). |
Purgatory later known as Iced Earth released their Demo "Burning Oasis" in 1985 with the lineup pictured above from left to right Dave Abell (Bass), Gene Adam (Vocals), Jon Schaffer (Guitar) Bill Owen (Guitar), and Greg Seymour (Drums).
Purgatory - Metal Archives |
Purgatory later known as Iced Earth released their Demo "Psychotic Dreams" in 1985 with the lineup pictured above from left to right Gene Adam (Vocals), Bill Owen (Guitar), Jon Schaffer (Guitar), Greg Seymour (Drums), and Richard Bateman (Bass).
Purgatory - Metal Archives |
Yngwie Malmsteen originally from Sweden, he moved to L.A. and then Miami, Florida Yngwie released his album "Marching Out" in 1985. The lineup was Yngwie Malmsteen (Guitars), Anders Johansson (Drums), Jens Johansson (Keyboards), Marcel Jacob (Bass), and Jeff Scott Soto (Vocals).
Yngwie Malmsteen - Website |
Yngwie Malmsteen