The Two Thousands...
A Day to Remember from Gainesville, Florida released their album "For Those Who Have Heart" in 2007. The lineup was Tom Denny (Guitar), Alex Shelnutt (Drums), Jeremy Mckinnon (Vocals), Neil Westfall (Guitar), and Joshua Woodard (Bass).
A Day to Remember - Website |
A Day to Remember
Infernaeon from Ft. Lauderdale, FL., released their debut album "A Symphony of Suffering" in 2007, the lineup was Kevin Gibbons (Bass), Sam Molina (Guitar), Brian Magley (Guitar), Brian Werner (Vocals), and Nick Augusto (Drums).
Infernaeon - Facebook |
Monstrosity originally from Tampa, FL / Ft. Lauderdale, released their album "Spiritual Apocalypse" in 2007. The lineup was Mark English (Guitar), Michael Poggione (Bass), Mike Hrubovcak (Vocals), and Lee Harrison (Drums). Monstrosity - Website |
Six Feet Under from Brandon / Tampa, FL. released their album "Commandment" in 2007, the lineup is pictured above from left to right Steve Swanson (Guitar), Greg Gall (Drums), Chris Barnes (Vocals), and Terry Butler (Bass).
Six Feet Under - Metal Blade |
Six Feet Under
Grauen Pestanz from Miami, Florida released "Machocias" in 2007, the lineup was Marchozelos (All Instruments, and vocals), A'ano'Nin ( Female Vocals), and Vinum (Vocals).
Grauen Pestanz - Metal Archives |
Grauen Pestanz
Monotheist from Orlando, Florida released their demo "Unforsaken" in 2007, the lineup was Michael J Moore aka 'Prophet' (All Instruments and Vocals), Elyssa Noel (Vocals), and Jake Rice (Lead Vocals).
Monotheist - Facebook |
Devastator from Hialeah, Florida released their album "Morbid Force" in 2007, the lineup was Pest (Drums), Adrian (Guitars), Alaric (Guitars), Wulfnoth (Vocals), and Lademon (Bass) .
Devastator - Facebook |
Angelcorpse originally from Tampa, FL. released their 'Live' album "Of Lucifer and Lightning" in 2007, the lineup was Pete Helmkamp (Vocals, and Bass), Gene Palubicki (Guitar), and John Longstreth (Drums).
Angelcorpse - Osmose Productions |
Impurity from Gainsville, Florida released their album "Of Lust and War" in 2007, the lineup was Andrew Thorkidson (Drums), Damian Scott (Vocals), Jeremy Caldwell (Guitar), and Ken Henderson (Bass).
Impurity - Metal Archives |
Kamelot form Tampa, FL. released their album "Ghost Opera" in 2007, the lineup was Roy Kahn (Vocals), Thomas Youngblood (Guitar), Glenn Barry (Bass), Casey Grillo (Drums), and Oliver Palotai (Keyboards).
Kamelot - Website |
Marilyn Manson from Ft. Lauderdale, FL. released their album "Eat Me Drink Me" in 2007, the lineup was Marilyn Manson (Vocals, and Percussion), and Tim Skold (Guitar, Keyboards, Programming, and Bass).
Marilyn Manson - Website |
Marilyn Manson
Coffin Dancer from Miami, FL. released a split release with the band Kidcrash in 2007, the lineup for Coffin Dancer was Nicky Cedeno (Drums), Dave Lopez (Vocals, and Guitar), Jacob Isreal (Guitar), Nick Espinosa (Bass, and Keyboards), and Nick "The Greek" Ziros (Guitar).
Coffin Dancer - Metal Archives |
Coffin Dancer
Cursed Ruin from Jacksonville, FL. released their Album "At the Hour of Necromancy" in 2007, the lineup was Lizard (Bass), Goremaggot (Drums), and Killem Koresh (Vocals, and Guitar).
Cursed Ruin - Metal Archives |
Cursed Ruin
Success Will Write Apocalypse Across the Sky, or S.W.W.A.A.T.S. from Tampa, FL. released their EP "Subhuman Empire" in 2007, the lineup was John Collett (Vocals), Mike Petrak (Drums), Aaron Haines (Guitar, and Samples), Chris Woodall (Bass, not pictured but recorded), Jesse Jolly (Bass, is pictured, played 'Live', but not recorded), and Ian Sturgil (Guitars, Vocals, and Samples).
S.W.W.A.A.T.S. - Bandcamp |
Seasons of the Wolf from Bradenton, Florida released their album "Once in a Blue Moon" in 2007. The lineup was Barry D. "Skully" Waddell (Guitars), Dennis "Dr. Samurai" Ristow (Keyboards), Michael Popless (Bass), Wayne Hoefle (Drums), Wes Edward Waddell (Vocals), Scott Thacker (Drums), Steve Nagy (Bass), Bill Bois (Bass), and Mark Empire (Drums).
Seasons of the Wolf - Facebook |
Seasons of the Wolf
Malevolent Creation from Ft. Lauderdale, FL. / Buffalo, NY, released their album "Doomsday X" in 2007 the lineup for this release was Brett Hoffmann (Vocals), Jay Blachowicz (Bass), Phil Fasciana (Guitar), John Rubin (Guitar), and Dave Culross (Drums).
Malevolent Creation - Facebook |
Malevolent Creation
Gore Blast from Lakeland, Florida released their EP "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis (Gravityblasting Goregrind)" in 2007, the lineup was Justin (Guitars, Bass, and Drum Programming), and Eric (Vocals).
Gore Blast - Metal Archives |
Gore Blast
Grauen Pestanz from Miami, Florida released their Split release with the band Miasma titled "Into the Fire of Islation" in 2007, the lineup was Marchozelos (All Instruments, and vocals), A'ano'Nin ( Female Vocals), and Vinum (Vocals).
Grauen Pestanz - Metal Archives |
Grauen Pestanz
Dark Faith from Tampa, FL. released their album "Terrains Vauges" in 2007.
Dark Faith - BandCamp |
Dark Faith
The Absence from Tampa, FL. released their album "Riders of the Plague" in 2007, the lineup was Jamie Stewart (Vocals), Jeramie Kling (Drums), Patrick Pintavalle (Guitar, and Bass), and Peter Joseph (Guitar, and Bass).
The Absence - Facebook |
The Absence
Antagonic Omnipotent Catharsis from Miami, FL. released their split EPwith the band Black Wraith "A Sweet Voyage to Kingu" in 2007, the lineup was Cid (Vocals, Guitar, Drums, and Wind Instruments).
Antagonic Omnipotent Catharsis - Last FM |
Antagonic Omnipotent Catharsis "A Sweet Voyage to Kingu"
Bard Brann from Orlando, FL. released a split album with the band Ekove Efrits titled "Key to the Kingdom of Shadows" in 2007, the lineup was Bard Brann (Vocals and all Instruments).
Bard Brann - Metal Archives |
Bard Brann
Obituary from Brandon, Florida, released their album "Xecutioner's Return" in 2007. Pictured above from left to right Trevor Peres (Guitar), Ralph Santolla (Guitar), Frank Watkins (Bass), John Tardy (Vocals), and Donald Tardy (Drums). |
Originally from Tampa, Florida, Iced Earth, released their album "Framing Armageddon: Something Wicked, Part 1" in 2007 the lineup was Tim "Ripper" Owens (Vocals), Jon Schaffer (Guitar, Bass, and Vocals), Brent Smedley (Drums), and Troy Seele (Guitar).
Iced Earth Website |
Iced Earth
Blotted Science from San Antonio, TX /Tampa, FL/ Munich, Germany recorded their album "The Machinations of Dementia" in 2007, the lineup was Ron Jazombek (Guitar), Alex Webster (Bass), and Charlie Zeleny (Drums).
Blotted Science - Facebook |
Blotted Science
Torche from Miami, Florida released their EP "In Return" in 2007. The lineup was Jon Nunez (Bass), Rick Smith (Drums), Steve Brooks (Vocals, and Guitars), and Juan Montoya (Guitars).
Torche - Website |
Rob Rock from Orlando, Florida released his album "Garden of Chaos" in 2007. The lineup was Rob Rock (Vocals), Andreas Olsson (Bass), Bob Rossi (Guitars), Carljohan Gimmark (Guitars), Gus G (Guitars), Roy Z (Guitars), Peter Halgren (Guitars), Mistheria (Keyboards), Tobias Sammett (Vocals), Liza Shekhter (Vocals and Keyboards), and Andreas Johasson (Drums).
Rob Rock - Facebook |
Rob Rock
Burning Inside from Orlando, FL./ Springfield, Missouri, released their demo EP "Burning Inside" in 2007, the lineup was Richard Christy (Drums), Steve Childers (Guitar), Jamie Prim (Vocals, and Bass), and Michael Estes (Guitar).
Burning Inside - Richard Christy Website |
Burning Inside
Benighted In Sodom originally from Ft. Lauderdale, FL. released their Demo album "The Hierophant Cosmism" in 2007, with Matron Thorn (Vocals and all other Instruments).
Benighted In Sodom - Facebook |
Benighted In Sodom
Paths of Possession from Tampa, FL., released their album "The End of the Hour" in 2007, the lineup was Nick Goodyear (Drums), Randy Butman (Vocals, and Bass), George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher (Vocals), Jay Fossen (Guitar), and Jack Goodwin (Guitar).
Paths of Possession - Metal Blade |
Paths of Possession
Denial Fiend from Brandon, FL. released their album "They Rise" in 2007, the lineup was Sam Williams (Guitar), Curtis Beeson (Drums), Kam Lee (Vocals), and Terry Butler (Bass).
Denial Fiend - Facebook |
Denial Fiend
Pain Principle
Diabolic from Tampa, FL. , released their EP "Chaos In Hell" in 2007, the lineup was Aantar Lee Coates (Drums), Paul Ouelette (Vocals, and Bass), and RJ Reinangle (Guitar).
Diabolic - Facebook |
The Autumn Offering from Daytona Beach, Florida released their album "Fear Will Cast No Shadow" in 2007. The lineup was Matt McChesney (Vocals), Tommy Church (Guitar), Matt Johnson (Guitar), Sean Robbins (Bass), and Jonathan Lee (Studio Drums).
The Autumn Offering - Metal Archives |
The Autumn Offering
Nonpoint from Ft Lauderdale, FL. released their album "Vengeance" in 2007, the lineup was Elias Soriano (Vocals), Robb Riviera (Drums), Andrew Goldman (Guitar and backing Vocals), and Ken MacMillan (Bass and backing Vocals).
Nonpoint - Facebook |
Seven Kingdoms from Deland, Florida released their debut album "Brothers of the Night" in 2007, the lineup was Camden Cruz (Guitar), Cory Stene (Bass), Lux Edwards (Vocals), John Zambrotto (Keyboards), Keith Byrd (Drums), and Kevin Byrd (Guitar).
Seven Kingdoms - Facebook |
Seven Kingdoms
The Sacrificed from Lakeland, Florida released their demo "The Da Vinci Hoax" in 2007. The lineup was Jay Williams (Drums), Johnny Bowden (Guitars), and Eli Prinson (Vocals).
The Sacrificed - Wikipedia |
The Sacrificed
Christ Consumer from Winter Park, FL. released their Demo "Disgust" in 2007, the lineup was The Devourer (Vocals, and all instruments).
Christ Consumer - Metal Archives |
Christ Consumer
After Death from Tampa, FL. , released their collection of demos as their debut album release entitled "Retronomicon" in 2007 the lineup was Demian Heftal (Guitar), Jesse Jolly (Bass), Josh (Guitar), Napalm (Keyboards), Mike Browning (Vocals and Drums), Bryan Hipp (Guitar, Bass, and Vocals), Lisa Lombardo (Keyboards, and Vocals), Atrophous (Guitar, and Vocals).
Nocturnus A.D. - Facebook |
After Death
Apocalypse Command from Tampa, FL. released their Demo
"Abyss Fiend of Darkness" with Gene Palubicki (Vocals, Guitar, Bass, & Drums). Apocalypse Command - Facebook |
Apocalypse Command
Catalepsy from New Smyrna Beach, FL. released their EP "Godless" in 2007, the lineup was Ben Sutton (Drums), Rob Walden (Guitar), Danny Schwartz (Bass), Mike Cromwell (Guitar), John Stephen (Guitar), and Drew Carothers (Vocals).
Catalepsy - Last FM |
Common Yet Forbidden from Orlando, FL. released their Album "The Struggle" in 2007, the lineup was Jordan (Bass), Phil (Drums), Chris (Guitar), Adam (Guitar), and Joseph Shellnut (Vocals).
Common Yet Forbidden - Metal Archive |
Common Yet Forbidden
Dark Castle from St. Augustine, FL. released their 'Live' Demo "Flight of Pegasus", in 2007 with the lineup of Rob Shaffer (Drums, Vocals, and Synth), and Stevie Floyd (Vocals, Guitar, and Keyboards).
Dark Castle - Facebook |
Dark Castle
Denial Fiend from Brandon, FL. released their EP "Dead Awakening" in 2007, the lineup was Sam Williams (Guitar), Curtis Beeson (Drums), Kam Lee (Vocals), and Terry Butler (Bass).
Denial Fiend - Facebook |
Denial Fiend
Gigan Originally from Tampa, FL. released their demo EP "Footsteps of Gigan" in 2007, the lineup was Eric Hersemann (Guitar, and Bass), Grover Norton III (Drums), and Randy Piro (Vocals, and Guitar).
Gigan - Facebook |
Grauen Pestanz from Miami, Florida released their demo "Szertartas" in 2007, the lineup was Marchozelos (All Instruments, and vocals), A'ano'Nin ( Female Vocals), and Vinum (Vocals).
Grauen Pestanz - Metal Archives |
Grauen Pestanz
Resurrection, from Tampa, FL., released their EP "Ritual Slaughter" in 2007 the lineup for this release was Gus Rios (Drums), Jerry Mortellero (Guitar), John Astl (Guitar), Paul Degoyler (Vocals), and Scott Patrick (bass).
Resurrection - Facebook |
Trans-Siberian Orchestra from Tampa, Florida/ New York, NY, released their self titled EP "Trans-Siberian Orchestra" in 2007, the lineup was Jon Oliva, and Robert Kinkel (Piano, Keyboards, and Vocals), Al Pitrelli (Guitar, and Keyboards), Paul O'neill, Chris Caffery, Tristan Avakian, Angus Clark, and Alex Skolnick (Guitar), Johnny Lee Middleton, Dave Z, and Jeff Allegue (Bass), Carmine Giglio, and Mee Eun Kim (Keyboards), Jane Mangini (Piano), Jeff Plate, John O'Reilly, and, Takanori Niida (Drums), John Clark (All horns), Amy Helm (Whistle), and Dave Wittman (Drums, Guitar, and Bass).
Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Website |
Trans-Siberian Orchestra
The Autumn Offering from Daytona Beach, Florida released a split titled "Victory Metal Triple Feature" in 2007, with the bands Nights Like These, and Arise and Ruin. The lineup for The Autumn Offering was Matt McChesney (Vocals), Tommy Church (Guitar), Matt Johnson (Guitar), Sean Robbins (Bass), and Jonathan Lee (Studio Drums).
The Autumn Offering - Metal Archives |
The Autumn Offering